Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Getting active feeling fit

Just half an hour a day of moderate activity is all it takes.And that means simply doing the things you usually do,but in a way that uses a bit more energy.After just a few weeks you'll notice the difference in how you feel.

Living an active life can give you :

* More energy
* Greater stamina
* Stronger, more toned muscles
* A lower risk of heart disease and stroke
* A lower risk of osteoporosis ( Brittle bones )
* Improved posture
* Improved confidence
* A better shape and appearance

For those who have not been physically active, for sometime, gentle, steady progress is the key. A good way to start is to carry on with your everyday routine, but do things in a way that requires a bit more energy.Then build these activities into your daily lifestyle.

For example, Walking is often the best way to begin.Try to become a little more active everyday.Like,

* Use the stairs instead of the lift,
* Walk rather than drive
* Take the family for a regular swimming session etc.

As you get more active, try to make your exercise last a little longer.Your goal is 30 minutes of activity each day.If this is a continuous activity, the benefits will be even greater.

Suitable activities include-* Brisk walking
* Digging the garden
* Slow cycling
* Slow swimming
* Digging the garden
* Low impact aerobics
* Dancing-All kinds
* Tennis

When you're young, it's easy to think that you dont need to bother exercising.But it's vital to keep active to keep yourself in good shape.Not only will you look and feel better, but you'll be less likely to store up health problems for the future. But dont give up.Keep your motivation levels high, by finding all sorts of different ways to keep active.

Take it easy-The key to exercising safely is to take things at a suitable pace.

* Always warm up thoroughly

Gradually, ease your body into exercise or activity for the first few minutes
Be careful to increase the length and intensity of your exercise slowly : pain or uncomfortable stiffness, following activity are a sign that you have overdone things-ease off next time.


Healthy eating doesn't mean changing all your eating habits at once.It means trying out healthier varieties of food and new ways of preparing your food.To start with, try making simple changes to your eating habits.For a well balanced, healthy diet, choose a few things from the kist below. Introduce them into your diet, then gradually build in as many others as you can.

* The balance of good health

* Bread

* Cereals

* Potatoes

* Make these foods the main part of your meals.Eat all types, and choose high fibre varieties whenever you can

* Fruits

* Vegetables

Try to eat atleast5 portions of fruits and vegetables each day.Include some vegetables, some salad and some fruit. Choose a wide variety like

* Milk

* Dairy foods

These are a good source of calcium.Choose lower fat alternatives whenever you can.

* Meat

* Fish and

* Alternatives

Choose lean meat or trim any visible fat. Try to eat 2 portions of fish a week, especially oily fish.
* Foods containing fat and

* Foods containing sugar

Try not to eat these too often.When you do eat them, have small amounts.

Thus, getting active simply means adjusting your lifestyle to make it more physical.Just 30 minutes of activity a day will bring benefits in terms of health, energy and general well being.If you combine this with a healthy diet, you have the key to getting active and feeling fit.
Living an active life can give you :

* More energy
* Greater stamina
* Stronger, more toned muscles
* A lower risk of heart disease and stroke
* A lower risk of osteoporosis ( Brittle bones )
* Improved posture
* Improved confidence
* A better shape and appearance

For those who have not been physically active, for sometime, gentle, steady progress is the key. A good way to start is to carry on with your everyday routine, but do things in a way that requires a bit more energy.Then build these activities into your daily lifestyle.

For example, Walking is often the best way to begin.Try to become a little more active everyday.Like,
* Use the stairs instead of the lift,
* Walk rather than drive
* Take the family for a regular swimming session etc.

SOURCE : Health Education Authority 1996

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