Saturday, June 11, 2011

HELP TALKS - Mr.Shekhar Khandalekar on Vastu and Good Health

This video is a talk by Mr.Shekhar Khandalekar at HELP on 9th June, 11. Topic "Vaastu & Good Health". Mr.Shekhar Khandalekar can be contacted at 9867351673. This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

Vaastu takes into account not only architecture but also several other aspects, such as health, astrology and numerology. What leads to peace and harmony, which naturally are conductive to health and prosperity
Mr.Shekhar khandalekar has given tips on Vastu and Good Health for eg:-
Never keep your head toward north while sleeping keep towards south or east only for peaceful/ restful sleep & healthy life.
Never sit or sleep under a down beam to avoid depression headache or loss of memory.

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